Articles Tagged with testamentary formalities

pexels-pixabay-415767-scaledIn a recent case, the Louisiana Court of Appeal emphasized the importance of adhering to the strict formalities required to execute a valid will. The case, In the Matter of the Succession of Sandra Gabor Dale, involved a dispute between siblings over their mother’s estate after a later will was deemed invalid due to improper execution.

Sandra Gabor Dale passed away, leaving behind three children: Felicia, Christopher, and Michael. Felicia, named as the sole heir in a 2014 will, was granted possession of the entire estate. However, Christopher and Michael later contested this, presenting a 2016 will that divided the estate equally among the three siblings.

The dispute centered on the validity of the 2016 will. The trial court found it to be “absolutely null” due to non-compliance with the formalities required for a notarial testament under Louisiana law. The brothers appealed this decision.

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