Articles Tagged with spinal cord stimulator

pexels-yury-kim-181374-585419-scaledIn the realm of workers’ compensation, ensuring injured employees receive necessary medical treatment can sometimes be a battle. A recent Louisiana Court of Appeal decision, Deubler v. Bogalusa City Schools, highlights the complexities surrounding the Louisiana Medical Treatment Guidelines and the process of obtaining authorization for treatment. This case serves as a reminder of the importance of adhering to these guidelines while also recognizing the need for flexibility when circumstances warrant it.

Irvin Deubler, an employee of Bogalusa City Schools (BCS), suffered a lower back injury at work. He was receiving workers’ compensation benefits and sought treatment from Dr. Flagg for his chronic pain. Dr. Flagg recommended an MRI and a psychological evaluation to determine if Deubler was a candidate for a spinal cord stimulator (SCS) trial, a potential treatment option for his pain.

BCS’s insurer, LUBA Casualty Insurance Company, denied these requests, prompting Dr. Flagg to appeal to the Office of Workers’ Compensation (OWC). The OWC’s associate medical director approved the requests, but LUBA and BCS further appealed to the OWC judge.

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