Articles Tagged with joint tortfeasor

pexels-bentonphotocinema-1095601-scaledA recent ruling by the Louisiana Court of Appeal has shed light on the complexities of prescription (the state’s equivalent of a statute of limitations) and the concept of joint tortfeasors in wrongful death cases. The case, Crocker v. Baton Rouge General Medical Center, involved a tragic incident where a mentally impaired man, Jerry Sheppard, died after an altercation following his discharge from the hospital.

Jerry Sheppard was taken to the emergency room at Baton Rouge General Medical Center (BRGMC) due to hallucinations. Despite his mental impairment, he was discharged without notifying his family. Hours later, he was found wandering the streets and was fatally injured in an altercation with a homeowner, Mr. Zeno.

Jerry’s mother, Ridder Crocker, filed a lawsuit against both BRGMC and Mr. Zeno, alleging their negligence led to Jerry’s death. Mr. Zeno raised a prescription exception, arguing the lawsuit against him was filed beyond the one-year deadline. Ms. Crocker countered, claiming the timely filing of her medical malpractice claim against BRGMC suspended prescription for Mr. Zeno as a joint tortfeasor.

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