The head of the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) leaves today on a trip to Asia that will focus on notifying and warning major exporters that tough regulations regarding toys, drywall and other defective products are to come. These warnings come in the face of serious problems in American homes as toys painted with lead-based materials and Chinese drywall have led to major health concerns and a skeptical eye towards cheaply made products imported from the Far East.
The Miami Herald reports
Inez Tenenbaum, a former South Carolina public schools superintendent who was confirmed by the Senate last month to head the consumer agency, will spend nine days in Hong Kong, Singapore and Vietnam.
Tenenbaum will address foreign leaders in Singapore for the annual summit of APEC, a major trade group that coordinates commercial ties among the U.S., Canada, Russia and 18 Asian countries.
In dozens of meetings with government and business dignitaries from across the vast region, Tenenbaum planned to use Southern charm to deliver a key message: Her agency is aggressively enforcing consumer safety measures after years of funding cuts, staff reductions and commission vacancies under former President George W. Bush.
The government clamping down and tightening up regulations against imported goods is a very positive thing as lax restrictions have led to some very dangerous products making their way into the hands and homes of children. By placing warnings and perhaps toughening up to permit less accidents from recurring from problem nations or importers, the United States may hope to not see these horrible situations happen again.