Articles Posted in Negligence Claims

pexels-skitterphoto-4341-scaledWe’ve all heard the phrase “slip and fall,” often in a comedic context. However, slip-and-fall accidents can result in severe injuries and legal battles. The recent case of Foto v. Rouse’s Enterprises, LLC, highlights the complexities of such cases and what it takes to prove a merchant’s liability.

In 2013, Daisy Foto was shopping at a Rouse’s store in Louisiana. She slipped on a clear liquid on the floor, fell, and sustained injuries. Foto sued Rouse’s, claiming they were responsible for her injuries because they either created the hazardous condition, knew about it, or should have known about it.

Rouse’s argued they had no liability because Foto couldn’t prove they created the spill, knew about it beforehand, or that it had been there long enough for them to reasonably discover and clean it up. They presented evidence of a store inspection conducted earlier that morning, showing no hazards were noted.

pexels-elevate-1267324-scaledInjuries that occur while an individual is working can devastate the injured party’s life in several ways. Not only does the injured party likely earn less money due to the injury, but other damages, such as medical expenses and loss of enjoyment of life, may also result.

James Thomas was a forklift operator for Marsala Beverage Company (“Marsala”) in Monroe, Louisiana. In addition to operating forklifts, Thomas routinely moved cases of drinks by hand and performed janitorial duties around the facility. On one occasion, when Thomas was operating a forklift to unload pallets of drinks, the forklift fell out of the back of a delivery truck, landing several feet below onto concrete.

After the fall, Thomas visited Marsala’s company doctor, Dr. George Woods, complaining of pain in his back. Dr. Woods examined Thomas and ordered x-rays, which showed no evidence of fractures in Thomas’s spine. During the visit, Thomas explained to Dr. Woods that he wanted to return to work as soon as possible to receive bonus compensation based on the number of hours he worked that week. Dr. Woods cleared Thomas to return to work, which he did even though he continued to experience back pain.

pexels-frans-van-heerden-201846-635096-scaledDavid Cox delivered four pallets of shirk-wrapped material for his employer, Southwestern Motor Transport, in June 2012. The delivery location was the Baker Distributing Company warehouse in Shreveport, Louisiana. Baker’s delivery dock did not have a dock plate. A dock plate is a metal bridge connecting a truck’s back to the loading dock. There is an empty space between the back of the truck and the loading dock without a dock plate. In addition, Cox found that the loading dock was cluttered with several objects. Due to this clutter, Cox could not use a forklift to unload the truck.

Working alone, Cox managed to get two pallets off the truck with a pallet jack but then used a dolly for the last two pallets. While attempting to get the previous pallet off the truck, Cox’s foot became wedged between the dock and the truck, causing him to fall on his back. Cox filed a lawsuit as a result of being injured.

In the lawsuit Cox alleged that this fall caused him to have permanent injuries that made him disabled. The injury resulted in Cox receiving worker’s compensation benefits. Cox filed a lawsuit against Baker, arguing that the lack of a working dock plate made the dock unreasonably dangerous, that the lack of a dock plate was not easily visible to parties making deliveries to the warehouse, and that Baker had a duty to provide a safe entrance for parties unloading at the dock.

pexels-cottonbro-3957986-scaledNurses fighting one another may sound like a scene from daytime television, but unfortunately, this also occurs in real time.  When one employee attacks a supervisor, can a supervisor proceed with a lawsuit against the employer?  A nursing home in Laplace, Louisiana, recently tried to be dismissed from a personal injury lawsuit regarding two of its employees, stating it could not be vicariously liable.   The Louisiana Fifth Circuit Court of Appeal judged this was a question for trial.   

Two employees of Twin Oaks Nursing Home, Inc. (“Twin Oaks”) in the parish of St. John the Baptist were involved in an altercation in April 2012. A supervisor, Ms. Haynie, approached her employee, Ms. Alford, requesting that Ms. Alford report to her office. When Ms. Haynie turned to walk away, Ms. Alford struck her supervisor repeatedly in the head and neck from behind. Ms. Haynie sustained bruises, scratches, a black eye, and soft tissue damage.  Ms. Alford had numerous prior work violations and justified the attack by stating she wanted Twin Oaks to give her a reason to fire her.  

Ms. Haynie filed a lawsuit against Ms. Alford and Twin Oaks in the Fortieth Judicial District Court Parish of St. John the Baptist. The District Court dismissed the lawsuit against Twin Oaks, stating that the nursing home could not be vicariously liable because Ms. Alford’s actions were not employment-rooted or incidental to employee performance.  

pexels-kindelmedia-7714731-scaledTo ensure public trust in law enforcement, local government officials have the power to regulate police officers’ conduct both on and off duty. There are certain lines that police officers should not cross, even in their private lives. The following case shows how the New Orleans Police Department (“NOPD”) can terminate the employment of a long-serving police officer for fighting after a traffic accident and reinforce the high standard they hold their employees to.

Officer Tracy Fulton of the NOPD was waiting at a stop light in his personal vehicle when he was hit from behind by a driver under the alias in court as E.C.. Officer Fulton left his car and began yelling at E.C. and the occupants of his vehicle. When Officer Fulton attempted to open the door of E.C.’s vehicle, E.C. drove off and went to his home. Officer Fulton called the police to report a hit-and-run and followed E.C., who was returning home. Officer Fulton then confronted E.C. again, and the argument eventually became a fight between the two men. 

After the two men exchanged blows, they retreated to their vehicles to grab weapons, and the fight ended. After the fight, E.C. had a broken nose, a dislocated jaw, a concussion, and concussion-related symptoms. After an NOPD investigation, Officer Fulton was charged with second-degree battery and was also investigated and eventually fired. Officer Fulton was found not guilty of the battery charge at trial, but the termination was never reversed. Officer Fulton then appealed his termination to the New Orleans Civil Service Commission (“the Commission”).

pexels-ann-h-45017-3095954-scaledOn-the-job injuries can sometimes result in employment termination when the injury prohibits you from completing your work. When this happens, state-funded disability retirement benefits can keep former employees financially afloat; however, eligibility for such benefits depends on how long you have worked for the employer and when you file your claim.

Bessie Hall worked for the State of Louisiana in East Baton Rouge for over seventeen years.  On July 13, 2012,  Ms. Hall suffered an on-the-job injury at the Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services. Because her injury prevented her from working, her employer terminated her in September 2013. 

Over two years later, Ms. Hall applied for disability retirement benefits through LASERS, the Louisiana State Employees’ Retirement System. LASERS, however, found Ms. Hall ineligible for these benefits.  Ms. Hall sued the Nineteenth Judicial District Court for the Parish of East Baton Rouge. The District Court held Ms. Hall was eligible for benefits, and LASERS appealed to the Louisiana First Circuit Court of Appeal.

alzheimer_s_man_portrait_0-scaledEmployees are often exposed to stressful situations while at work, whether from unhelpful coworkers or understaffing. Under what circumstances are resulting mental injuries entitled to workers’ compensation? 

Diedre Emerson worked for Willis Knighton Medical Center as a certified nurse assistant on the cancer floor. One day, she arrived at work for her regular night shift. She found the prior shift had not completed a lot of their work, so she would have to do additional work. When she learned this, she became upset and mad. She said this was more of the same old behavior.

While working that day, she indicated that she felt something pop in her head but admitted nothing physically happened to cause the pop. After completing her shift, she went to the emergency room. The medical records from the visit did not show she complained about weakness on one side of her body or other neurological symptoms. Her primary complaint was hyperventilation and nervousness. Emerson was subsequently late in calling Willis Knighton to tell them she would not be able to work her shift. She was fired. 

feet_girl_fingers_parts-scaledMedical testimony is an essential part of determining whether an injured worker has a valid claim. What happens if the doctors’ diagnoses conflict and they reach different conclusions about whether an injured worker can return to work?

Maxine Hall worked as a housekeeper for Global Solution Services. While working for Global at a hotel, a door closed on her foot. She went to the emergency room, where a doctor told her she did not have any broken bones. However, another doctor subsequently diagnosed her with a fractured toe. 

Despite receiving medical treatment, Hall continue to suffer from pain in her foot. Hall received workers’ compensation benefits, but the benefits terminated approximately two years after the accident occurred. She then filed a Disputed Claim for Compensation against Global and Illinois National Insurance Company, its insurer. Hall sought to get her benefits reinstated. The Workers’ Compensation Judge dismissed Hall’s claims. Hall filed an appeal. 

driving_camera_in_mirror-scaledIt is common to borrow a car from a family member or friend. If you are unfortunately involved in an accident while driving a borrowed car, who is liable for damages if the accident results from inadequate maintenance? 

While Holly Fontenot was driving a car owned by Patricia Neil and her husband, the parents of Fontenot’s fiancé, she was involved in a single-car accident when she lost control and hit a utility pole. Fontenot had the Neils’ permission to drive their car. There were also two minors in the car with her. 

Fontenot and the mother of the two minor children passengers filed a lawsuit against Safeway Insurance, who insured the Neils’ car. Fontenot claimed the accident occurred because of a lack of maintenance. She claimed the car went off the road because it had a broken tie road, which caused the car’s steering mechanism to fail. 

emergency_rescue_stretcher_injured-scaledIf you are injured on the job, it is best practice to inform your employer and supervisor about your injuries. They will likely inform you about possible workers’ compensation to which you might be entitled. Are you still eligible to receive workers’ compensation benefits if you tried to hide your injury from your employer?

Gary Jeansonne worked as a maintenance worker at a youth center located in Bunkie, Louisiana. Over two months after Jeansonne stopped working at the center, he filed a claim for workers’ compensation, claiming he had hurt his back while working at the center. He claimed the accident had occurred while he was working in the kitchen. Jeansonne claimed to have called his supervisor the next morning to tell him he would not be able to come in to work due to his back, but he did not tell his supervisor his back issues were from an injury at work. 

Jeansonne started receiving medical treatment for his back injuries. His medical records indicate he told his doctor the accident that hurt his back occurred at home. Jeansonne subsequently claimed the report was not accurate and he had just said the incident occurred at home because he wanted to be able to go back to work. 

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