Articles Posted in Car Accident

pexels-shkrabaanthony-5816283-scaledCar insurance policies can be riddled with complex terms and conditions, often leading to misunderstandings between policyholders and insurers. The case of Mandi and Abigail Ardda v. Danielle T. Peters, et al. brings this issue to the forefront, highlighting the challenges of navigating insurance exclusions and the importance of clear communication.

The Accident and the Insurance Claim:

Abigail Ardda was involved in a car accident while driving a car she co-owned with her husband, Mandi. They filed a claim with their insurer, GoAuto Insurance Company, but were shocked to discover Abigail was listed as an excluded driver, despite their belief that she was covered.

pexels-fotios-photos-1909015-scaledA recent ruling by the Louisiana Court of Appeal, Third Circuit, has shed light on the complex interplay between adoption and the right to file wrongful death and survival actions. The consolidated cases, stemming from a tragic car accident that claimed the lives of Richard Stewart, Jr., and his two minor children, raised questions about whether adopted children and biological half-siblings can pursue such claims.

The accident resulted in the deaths of Richard Stewart, Jr., and his two minor children. Mr. Stewart was survived by his wife, Lisa Stewart, and two adult sons, Daniel Goins and David Watts, who were adopted as minors. Additionally, the deceased minor children had a biological mother, Brandi Hardie, who was not a party to the lawsuits.

Following the accident, multiple survival and wrongful death actions were filed. The central issue was whether Goins and Watts, as adopted children and biological half-siblings, had the right to bring these claims.

pexels-aleksandr-neplokhov-486399-1230677-1-scaledA recent ruling by the Louisiana Court of Appeal has highlighted the importance of awarding general damages in personal injury cases, even when the primary focus is on medical expenses. The case involved a car accident where the jury awarded the plaintiff past medical expenses but failed to award any general damages for pain and suffering.

In 2013, Steven McDowell was involved in a car accident with Russell Diggs. McDowell sued Diggs and his insurer, seeking damages for physical and mental pain and suffering, loss of enjoyment of life, and medical expenses.

The jury found both drivers equally at fault (50% each) and awarded McDowell $8,000 for past medical expenses. However, they did not award any general damages. McDowell appealed, arguing that it was legal error to award special damages without also awarding general damages.

girl-with-red-hat-oaKGY3tYVvw-unsplash-scaledIn personal injury law, car accidents at intersections are all too common. However, the case of Trapp v. Allstate Property and Casualty Insurance Company brings a unique twist: the claim of a sudden, unexpected vehicle malfunction. This Louisiana Court of Appeal decision underscores the importance of thoroughly investigating all aspects of an accident before assigning fault, especially when a vehicle defect may have contributed.

The case arose from an accident at an intersection in Louisiana. Mr. Trapp was entering the highway from a gas station parking lot when his truck collided with Mr. Martin’s truck. While Mr. Trapp was cited for failure to yield, Mr. Martin claimed his truck suddenly accelerated out of control, preventing him from avoiding the collision.

The trial court initially granted summary judgment, finding Mr. Martin 100% at fault. However, the Court of Appeal reversed this decision, stating that genuine issues of material fact existed regarding comparative fault and the potential for a third party (the vehicle manufacturer) to be at fault.

pexels-aleksandr-neplokhov-486399-1230677-scaledA recent ruling from the Louisiana Court of Appeal underscores the challenges of securing substantial damages in personal injury cases, especially when pre-existing conditions and the severity of the accident are at play. The case, Pourciau v. Melville and State Farm, involved a minor rear-end collision. While the defendant admitted fault, the court ultimately upheld a modest damage award, emphasizing the plaintiff’s burden to prove a direct causal link between the accident and the claimed injuries.

Douglas Pourciau was rear-ended by Dennis Melville at an intersection in Baton Rouge. While the accident was minor, Pourciau claimed it aggravated his pre-existing back and neck pain. He sued Melville and his insurer, State Farm, for damages.

The trial court found Melville partially at fault but awarded Pourciau only a modest amount in general damages, citing the lack of evidence linking his ongoing pain to the accident. Pourciau appealed, seeking a higher award and additional damages for future medical expenses and loss of use of his vehicle.

pexels-christian-wasserfallen-14125573-14766052-scaledA recent Louisiana Court of Appeal decision, Cruz v. Creecy, underscores the critical importance of proving injuries in personal injury cases arising from car accidents. The case reminds us that even when fault is established, a plaintiff must still provide credible evidence of their injuries to secure damages.

The case started when Rosa Cruz was involved in a car accident with Martha Creecy. A lawsuit was filed, and the trial court found Ms. Creecy to be at fault for the accident. However, the court declined to award damages to Ms. Cruz, concluding she failed to prove she sustained any injuries directly caused by the accident.

Ms. Cruz appealed this decision, arguing that her testimony and medical records were sufficient to prove both injury and causation.

pexels-mikebirdy-11985980-scaledPatricia Spann’s life took a dramatic turn when she lost control of her Chevrolet Cobalt, resulting in a severe accident that left her with multiple fractures and a lengthy hospital stay. She believed the cause of the accident was a faulty power steering system, recently replaced by Gerry Lane Chevrolet as part of a recall. Spann sued Gerry Lane, alleging negligence in the repair and the hiring and training of their mechanics.

The legal journey was not a smooth one. Initially, the trial court dismissed Spann’s case, granting Gerry Lane’s motion for summary judgment due to a perceived lack of evidence. However, Spann fought back, securing a new trial based on additional evidence from her expert witness.

This expert, a mechanical engineer, had conducted multiple inspections of Spann’s car, ultimately concluding that the power steering system failed due to improper installation. Gerry Lane challenged the admissibility of this expert’s testimony, arguing it lacked scientific basis and that some inspections violated a court order. However, the court allowed the testimony, stating that challenges to the expert’s conclusions were about the weight of the evidence, not its admissibility. The court also determined that while the inspections without the defendants present were “troubling,” there was no evidence of intentional wrongdoing.

pexels-dominika-kwiatkowska-1796968-3368844-scaledSometimes, being a passenger in a car can be a frustrating and disturbing experience. This is especially true when actions beyond the passenger’s control, such as being involved in a collision, put his or her life in danger. When such a situation arises, the injured passenger will, understandably, seek compensation from the responsible party. However, if the person who caused the accident leaves the scene and is never apprehended by law enforcement, an injured person may turn their attention elsewhere for financial compensation. Such a situation arose following a car accident on a stretch of highway between Jennings and Lafayette, Louisiana. 

Kyle Jordan was driving a rental car with Riley Moulton as a passenger. The vehicle was sideswiped, causing Jordan’s car to flip over and injure Moulton. The hit-and-run driver was never identified, so Mouton sued both Jordan and the rental car company, EAN Holdings, for damages. The defendants moved for summary judgment, arguing that since Mouton admitted in his deposition that Jordan was driving safely at the time of the accident and did nothing to cause it, Moulton offered no evidence to support a theory of recovery against Jordan or EAN Holdings. The trial court granted the defendant’s motions for summary judgment. Mouton appealed to Louisiana’s Third Circuit Court of Appeal.

The Appellate Court reviewed the facts of the case as laid out by Mouton himself in his deposition testimony. Mouton stated that Jordan had set the cruise control in the car to 70 MPH, consistent with the speed limit, and was “driving correct.” He further testified that the accident occurred when Jordan made a proper change into the left lane to pass a large truck.

pexels-pixabay-372810-scaledIn cases involving multiple defendants, courts are frequently asked to dismiss some or all of the parties because no set of facts can allow a case to proceed. Defendants will point the finger at their counterparts in hopes of securing a dismissal for themselves. However, the dismissal of even just one defendant can mean the loss of significant compensation for the party bringing the lawsuit. In a recent injury case out of Baton Rouge, a family was able to get their day court despite the best efforts of their opponent.   

Calandra Carr and her two children, Louis Carr, Jr., and Ciara Carr, were all riding in their van when they were in line to use the Geaux Clean Express Car Wash behind Jeffrey Dykes. Anthony Amedee was in front of Mr. Dykes’ vehicle when Mr. Amedee’s vehicle moved backward, striking Mr. Dykes vehicle, which in turn, hit the Carr’s van. This collision caused injuries, damages, and losses, which Carr’s argument caused because Mr. Amedee failed to maintain proper vehicle control.  The Carr’s also claimed that Geaux Clean failed to maintain the car wash properly and that their negligence was also a cause of the collision.

The Carrs filed a lawsuit against Anthony Amedee and his liability insurer, Louisiana Farm Bureau Casualty Insurance Company (“Farm Bureau”), Geaux Clean Express Car Wash (“Geaux Clean”) and its insurer, Ohio Security, and Allstate Property and Casualty Insurance Company (“Allstate”) as the Carrs’ UM insurers.

language_script_mongolian_design-scaledIn the legal world, every word holds significance. Clarity and precision are of the utmost priority because even the slightest bit of ambiguity can have dire consequences. This is a truth that Terry Gotch would later find out after he filed suit against Scooby’s ASAP Towing LLC following a vehicular accident in Louisiana.

On February 8th, 2013, Joseph DeRousselle was backing out of a driveway and almost hit the car Terry Gotch was a passenger in. The driver took evasive maneuvers, which led to the vehicle leaving the road and crashing into a ditch. Gotch was injured as a result of the accident. At the time of the accident, DeRousselle was an employee of Scooby’s ASAP Towing. Gotch then filed a lawsuit against Scooby’s ASAP Towing, claiming vicarious liability of the employer for DeRousselle’s negligence. A judgment was made following a jury trial in favor of Scooby’s ASAP Towing, absolving them of any negligence, and Gotch’s claim was disregarded.

Gotch, understandably unhappy with the verdict, orally moved for a mistrial. This motion was denied a short time later following a hearing. Still unsatisfied, Gotch filed an appeal on October 23rd, 2017. A written judgement was issued; however, it was insufficient in that it lacked decretal language.

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