Insurance fraud is something everyone is aware of and leads to significantly higher premiums for anyone looking for protection. What the insurance companies do not talk about, though, is the very insurance fraud that goes on within the industry itself. While companies may drag their feet or act in bad…
Insurance Dispute Lawyer Blog
How Texas’ Personal Injury Protection Protects You
Personal Injury Protection (PIP) automobile coverage in the state of Texas is a common insurance agreement in which the carrier will pay benefits to the policy holder because of “bodily injury resulting from a motor vehicle accident and sustained by a covered person.” Thus, helping someone financially who has been…
Insurance Companies Have To Follow The Rules Too!
The recent series of storms to come through the Gulf region have caught even some of the most seasoned residents off-guard when it comes to making insurance claims. In the wake of these storms, Texas residents statewide have encountered a wide variety of problems when making their claims. It’s important…
A Hurricane Checklist To Make Sure You’re Prepared
The people of the Gulf Coast are well aware that hurricanes of all different intensities come and go through the region every summer. A Hurricane Checklist for anyone, whether you live in Houston, Galveston or Corpus Christi, Texas residents should have a list of things they do in the event…
Tips On Post-Hurricane Recovery in the Gulf Coast
The extreme damage incurred by the Galveston area is only now being comprehended over two months after Hurricane Ike. Recovery efforts are underway but the immediate steps to be undertaken in the event of damage to your home are crucial and need to be handled with care. If you live…
The Texas Department of Insurance’s Tips on Storm Recovery
The Texas Department of Insurance (TDI) has created a series of tips for homeowners in the state looking to make a claim after the recent series of storms in the Gulf. While each storm may lead to significantly different issues, there are several things the state recommends with any claim:…
Annual Car Insurance Reviews Could Save You Plenty
Annually, it is recommended for anyone living in the Gulf Coast area to do a full inspection of their insurance coverage. While people are often meticulous with their car insurance and its coverage, home owners insurance can be a confusing and daunting set of documents to review and even understand.…
Don’t Be Left Out To Dry On Wind vs. Flood Damage Disputes
Dealing with hurricane and other forms of severe weather damage can be a truly confusing and stressful time for homeowners. Figuring out the best contractor to fix the work, temporary fixes for the damage, however severe, and moving on with life are all dilemmas people have to deal with in…
Get the Car Insurance Claim You Are Owed!
The loss of one’s vehicle to any sort of calamity is a stressful and difficult event for anyone. When this loss occurs amidst a natural disaster, such a loss can feel completely overwhelming. What can make it even worse is when the insurance company drags their feet in paying you…
How to Avoid Insurance Company Bullying
When working on an insurance claim for damages incurred for any set of reasons, it is important for Louisiana citizens to remember that while the insurance companies might not respect them, the law does. Louisiana law includes various different provisions to prevent insurers from taking advantage of policy holders and…