In a surprisingly candid and clear report on FEMA and its efforts post-Katrina, CBS News released a story on the 25th detailing what Slidell mayor Ben Morris calls “an indescribable nightmare that most people would not believe.” An EXCERPT: CBS News has learned that since January 1, nearly 80 employment-related…
Insurance Dispute Lawyer Blog
South Florida Homeowners Challenge Insurance Giant and Win
As reported by WTJV, a South Florida condominium company was awarded nearly $30 million in damages and attorney fees after taking insurance agency QBE to court. The verdict was of concern to Buckley Towers families whose damaged homes are in the middle of a condemnation proceeding by Miami-Dade County’s Unsafe…
Recent Fires A Reminder to Review Insurance Coverage
While a recent string of fires in Pineville and Alexandria this week have led officials to warn Louisiana residents about fire safety and the like, it also serves as a reminder about insurance coverage. Not knowing if your home or property is covered in the event of a fire can…
Texas Insurance Companies Going Under: What to do?
As highlighted in recent articles regarding insurance companies going out of business and leaving policy owners “out in the cold”, it is important to know what to do in the event your policy provider goes out of business. While making whatever repairs necessary to keep your home in shape, and…
FEMA flood risk maps for New Orleans
FEMA maps released this month indicate flood risks in the city of New Orleans at a block-by-block level of scrutiny. Downloadable here, the maps include the changes in flood risk after work done by the Army Corps of Engineers and detail what should be the status quo until 2011, when…
Understanding Terms: Glossary
When going about shopping for the right policy or making sure your policy protects you in the ways you need, it is important to understand insurance terms used. In educating yourself about the legal jargon employed by the insurance companies, you can be better prepared to combat an unfair claim…
Governor Perry Urges FEMA Extend Aid Deadline
Texas Governor Rick Perry has requested that FEMA waive or extend the deadline for FEMA aid to those whose lives have been disrupted by Hurricane Ike. KFDM reports: Gov. Rick Perry has requested the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) waive, or extend for 180 days, the deadline to file proof…
Galveston’s Slow Return Back
A video making its rounds from CBS chronicles the rebuilding effort going on in Galveston in the wake of Hurricane Ike and is worth a look:
Understanding Terms: Glossary
When going about shopping for the right policy or making sure your policy protects you in the ways you need, it is important to understand insurance terms used. In educating yourself about the legal jargon employed by the insurance companies, you can be better prepared to combat an unfair claim…
Hurricane Ike FEMA deadline approaching
The Federal Emergency Management Agency’s fourth extension of time for individuals in Texas affected by Hurricane Ike created a new deadline of February 20th for claims to be made. This, in light of the fact 90% of applicants who have submitted applications as of late were considered ineligible by FEMA.…