The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, the overarching body responsible for product reliability and keeping dangerous products out of the country, is the governmental source to make claims to regarding Chinese drywall. While the CPSC has not been able to find a definitive way in which home or property owners…
Insurance Dispute Lawyer Blog
City publishes helpful hurricane preparedness guide
As a heartening sign that lessons of the past have been learned, one city’s government has published a hurricane preparedness guide that is a solid tool for anyone in the Gulf Coast region to utilize. Available off of their website, the City of Boynton Beach has published a PDF that…
Houston’s museums prepare for hurricane season
Olivia Flores Alvarez had an entertaining blog post about how museums in the Houston area are preparing for hurricane season that’s worth a read. Available here, the article takes a lighter approach to the issue of tropical storm preparation for buildings in the Gulf Coast region that house priceless works…
FEMA speaks out on importance of flood insurance
FEMA recently came out to publicly encourage residents of Florida and the Gulf Coast to get flood coverage, regardless of how susceptible to risk they may be. In doing this, the government is bringing more attention to the need for proper insurance policies and to prevent having to help out…
Houston boasts new Hurricane center
On the campus of the University of Houston, a new storm preparation center will work to educate students and area locals on the effects and dangers of hurricanes while developing technology to predict and innovate protection against such storms. Justin Horne of KIAH reports The Texas Hurricane Center for innovative…
Speculation on how to save the insurance industry
The recent events in Florida and the exit of various insurance companies from areas surrounding the Gulf Coast have raised a lot of speculation on how to preserve competition within these states while at the same time not forcing the government’s hand to bail out in the event of a…
Making yourself familiar with your insurance policy and coverage
With hurricane season in full swing, it is important for home and property owners to be fully aware and clear about their insurance and coverage, or lack thereof, that it provides. Whether living in a flood plain or tucked safely in a non-flooding area, residents of the Gulf Coast can…
Chinese drywall problems continue to build
As Chinese drywall lawsuits develop and people continue to struggle with the hidden dangers within their walls, developments continue to mount that are relevant for anyone facing these issues. Tampa Bay Online has done a good job summarizing the issues facing homeowners across the United States in regards to Chinese…
Galveston rebuilding as 2009 Hurricane season begins
The Associate Press reported earlier this month on recovery and rebuilding efforts going on in the city of Galveston as residents try to move past Hurricane Ike and into the new future of the town. Facing its first hurricane season since Ike, the residents emotions fluctuate as they try to…
Chinese drywall seminar coming to New Orleans in July
A seminar dealing with the Chinese drywall fiasco going on across the Gulf Coast will be held July 31, 2009, in New Orleans, LA. Feating a host of speakers dealing with a wide assortment of issues relating to the Chinese drywall issue, the conference is billed as “a practical, one-day…