Owning property can be fulfilling for individuals but, with this sense of accomplishment comes extensive legal responsibilities. Owning non-residential property, in particular, can be stressful, particularly when a landowner is seeking compensation for property damage. In a recent case, the Court of Appeals for the state of Louisiana evaluated potential…
Insurance Dispute Lawyer Blog
Hartzo Case Illustrates Difficulties with Insurance Policies, Disputes
The Court of Appeals of Louisiana, First Circuit, recently defined the way in which the Court would look at implied permission for the use of ones car. Depending on the terms of the auto insurance policy, the policy may provide protection for damages that even extend to the passenger in…
DePuy Pretrial Actions Consolidated to Ohio Court
It was recently announced that the pretrial filings for DePuy ASR hip replacement lawsuits have been consolidated to the Northern District of Ohio. The lawsuits have been assigned to the Honorable David A. Katz for supervision during the early stages of the litigation. Judge Katz is based in Toledo, Ohio,…
By Signing Authorizations to DePuy, Patients Risk Destruction of Evidence of their Case
New information has come to light suggesting that DePuy may be in the process of conducting destructive testing on hip implants previously inserted into patients that were affected by the company’s defective ASR product line. Soon after DePuy announced its nationwide recall of its ASR XL Acetabular System/Depuy ASR Hip…
New Legal Analysis Indicates FDA Preemptions May Not Apply to DePuy Litigants
In October, this blog published a post discussing the potential interplay between the preemption rules of In re: Medtronic, Inc., and the forthcoming DePuy hip implant litigation. If one recalls, In re: Medtronic involved defective heart defibrillators that shocked implant recipients. When patients affected by the shocks attempted to file…
Depuy ASR Hip Implants Too Shallow for Proper Implantation, Recall Issued
In August 2010, Johnson & Johnson subsidiary, DePuy, announced a recall of its ASR XL Acetabular System and ASR Hip Resurfacing System, two hip replacement components used in total hip replacement surgery. In the months that have followed, this blog has told readers about metallosis, one of the possible symptoms…
Recalled DePuy ASR Hip Implants May Cause Pseudotumors and Increased Cancer Risks in Some Patients
Although not as likely to occur as metallosis or cobalt poisoning, pseudotumors and cancer remain possible symptoms for patients who have received a DePuy ASR Hip Implant since 2003. In August 2010, Depuy, a division of Johnson & Johnson, recalled hundreds of thousands of its ASR hip implant components from…
Progressive Insurance Slapped With Penalty for Failing to Pay in Covington Car Wreck
Previously on this blog, we have explored several cases that profiled the often contentious role that insurance companies play in auto accident litigation. In the interest of seeing that consumers get the benefits of the policies they pay for and to promote a speedy resolution for third parties who have…
Court Examines Question of Insurance Policy Coverage Limitations After Tragic Car Accident
Many employees routinely use their own automobiles in the course of their employment. Whether running an occasional errand on behalf of the company, or using a car to make door-to-door sales calls, employees who drive their vehicles for the benefit of their employers may wonder how liability is affected if…
Distressing and Dangerous Symptoms of Metal Poisoning Caused by Defective DePuy ASR Hip Implants
Of the many symptoms stemming from the recalled DePuy ASR Hip Implants, perhaps metallosis is the most alarming. Metallosis is a form of metal poisoning caused when metal parts of the implant rub up against each other, generating large quantities of microscopic metallic debris that is absorbed by surrounding bodily…