
News In Short: Louisiana Attorney General files suit over Chinese Drywall

News coming out of Louisiana shows that Attorney General James Caldwell has filed suit in Louisiana court on behalf of government infrastructures looking to collect money lost helping residents remove and replace Chinese drywall. The move is a positive indication that funding will likely continue to be provided and that the state government is taking initiative to help Louisiana residents move forward from this calamity.

The Associated Press reports

Louisiana’s attorney general is seeking compensation for a flood of Chinese drywall imported after Hurricane Katrina that has been linked to corrosion in homes.

James D. “Buddy” Caldwell said he filed a lawsuit in state court today to help state and local governments recoup the cost of dealing with contaminated drywall. The suit names a slew of companies – from Chinese drywall manufacturers to home developers – as defendants.

Caldwell says the state has lost tax revenues, suffered a decrease in property values and faces high disposal costs because of the drywall.

He said 1.1 million sheets of Chinese drywall were brought into Louisiana after Katrina hit in 2005. Chinese drywall allegedly emits sulfur, methane and other chemical compounds.

While these suits will pursue more funding to replenish what has been spent by local and state governments, it may mean that further money would be available as time goes on to help fix these situations. What’s more, it also means there is added pressure on manufacturers and distributors now that the state has filed suit for the faulty wallboard.

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