
FEMA flood risk maps for New Orleans

FEMA maps released this month indicate flood risks in the city of New Orleans at a block-by-block level of scrutiny. Downloadable here, the maps include the changes in flood risk after work done by the Army Corps of Engineers and detail what should be the status quo until 2011, when the Corps plans on completing levee improvements. The Louisiana Mapping Project, which features the maps and explanations of how they work, may be found online by clicking here.

In an article written about FEMA’s release, the mayor’s office mentioned caution in assuming any sort of freedom from risk based upon the maps:

“The thing to remember about these maps is that there are questions about their accuracy, ” said Maggie Merrill, director of policy for Mayor Ray Nagin. “We don’t want to create a false sense of security or of panic. And there will be substantial changes, and flood risk will be dramatically reduced for the city when the levees are complete.”

The city may adjust elevation requirements in some areas, however, as Jefferson officials plan to do, Merrill said.

That NOLA.com article may be read by clicking here.

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