
Chinese drywall images – Part 1

The Berniard Law Firm was recently hired by a homeowner who fell into the unfortunate situation of having Chinese drywall installed in her home. As part of the case, an inspection crew was sent to the home to document all of the various problems, defects and elements of concern to be found. You might be surprised to see just how quickly and aggressively this faulty imported wallboard can cause damage to various parts of the home.

Here you can see, clearly defined on the back of the drywall, the word “China,” indicating the place of manufactured origin.

Here you can see the damage that the dangerous vapors Chinese drywall emits can cause on heating and cooling piping, as well as copper plumbing throughout an attic or basement, as well as within your home’s walls.

This, again, shows the damage Chinese drywall can cause to copper piping and why it is important for homeowners with the problematic wallboard to contact a builder and attorney quickly to prevent further damage.

More pictures and information will be posted soon so check back in daily for the latest in news regarding Chinese drywall, as well as various other legal issues affecting the Gulf Coast and beyond.

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