
Articles Posted in Negligence Claims


DePuy ASR Hip Recall Demonstrates Flaws in System; What to Do If Your Hip Implant Fails

The recall of DePuy ASR Hip implants by the company and its parent corporation Johnson & Johnson demonstrates a problem that has has raised the ire of watchdog groups for years. This device, designed to replace the failing hip of individuals across the United States, is merely one in a…


Legal Rights Under the ASR Hip Replacement Recall

When people undergo surgery to repair an injured joint or body part, they hope that life will return to as close to “normal” as possible. Despite the fact that surgery is an extensive process that can be taxing mentally and physically on the patient, people obviously expect the best due…


Symptoms of Recalled, Faulty DePuy Hip Implant Can Be Too Much For Recipients to Handle

The DePuy ASR Hip System, which has recently been deemed unworthy of use and subsequently recalled, has caused thousands of individuals severe pain, discomfort, and difficulty performing daily tasks that were once easy to carry out due to its failure. Lawsuits have been filed against Johnson & Johnson and their…


Report Indicates DePuy Knew About ASR Hip Implant Problems in 2007, Delayed Recall Until Late 2010

Johnson & Johnson’s DePuy Orthopedics unit has recently recalled two hip implant products, the ASR XL Ace tabular System and the ASR Hip Resurfacing System. The recall was announced in late August 2010, yet reports have surfaced showing that DePuy may have been aware of problems relating to their hip…


DePuy ASR Hip Implant Recipients Likely Entitled to Negligence-Related Damages

Recently, lawsuits have been filed against Johnson and Johnson’s orthopedic division, DePuy Orthopedics, Inc., for injuries caused by the ASR XL Acetabular System and the DePuy ASR Hip Resurfacing System. Both of these metal on metal hip implants have been recalled as a result of the exceptionally high number of…


Symptoms of DePuy ASR Hip Implant Failure and How to Know if You Might Have a Problem

Depuy ASR hip replacements, part of the Johnson & Johnson’s implant division, has recently been recalled due to problems with its placement during surgeries and general issues relating to the product. Along with metal shavings slowly being cast into the soft tissue of patients, the following are problems patients have…


Product Defect and Negligence Central to Claims Against DePuy for Faulty Hip Implant

Johnson and Johnson’s orthopedic division, DePuy Orthopedics, Inc., has issued a recall for two of their hip implant products, the ASR XL Acetabular System and the DePuy ASR Hip Resurfacing System. An estimated 93,000 individual’s received this implant surgery before the recall, and this has prompted many indvidual’s to file…


Outrage Building Over DePuy ASR Hip Implant Recall – How Long Did Company Know of Problems?

Johnson and Johnson’s orthopedic division, DePuy Orthopedics, Inc., has issued a recall for two of their hip implant products, the ASR XL Acetabular System and the DePuy ASR Hip Resurfacing System. The recall was triggered by the exceptionally high number of individuals experiencing severe pain and discomfort after having the…


New Drunk Driving Law Further Penalizes Repeat Offenders

Drinking and driving is a problematic issue, one which has been aggressively confronted in order to prohibit repeat offenders from getting back on the road. On August 15, 2010, House Bill by Republican representative from LaPlace, Nickie Monica, went into effect and will cause substantial changes for second time DWI…


Boating Safety Rules for Personal Watercraft: If Broken, Liability Can Result

Boating and Personal Watercraft provide thrills and excitement for Louisiana residents and visitors every summer. As much fun as it can be, there is danger involved as well. For that reason, the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries has provided rules for personal watercraft (PWC) operators that can help people…

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