A recent ruling by the Louisiana Court of Appeal has highlighted the importance of awarding general damages in personal injury cases, even when the primary focus is on medical expenses. The case involved a car accident where the jury awarded the plaintiff past medical expenses but failed to award any…
Articles Posted in Negligence Claims
Louisiana Court Upholds Prescription in Wrongful Death Suit, Highlights Joint Tortfeasor Rule
A recent ruling by the Louisiana Court of Appeal has shed light on the complexities of prescription (the state’s equivalent of a statute of limitations) and the concept of joint tortfeasors in wrongful death cases. The case, Crocker v. Baton Rouge General Medical Center, involved a tragic incident where a…
Work-Related Knee Injury Leads to Multiple Compensable Injuries: Louisiana Court’s Ruling
A recent ruling by the Louisiana Fifth Circuit Court of Appeal in Rodney Loar v. LUBA Worker’s Comp Terminix Service Company, Inc. highlights the complex nature of workers’ compensation claims and the challenges in determining which subsequent injuries are compensable. Rodney Loar, a technician for Terminix, injured his right knee…
Procedural Hurdle Stalls Hotel Guest Lawsuit Appeal in Louisiana
In a recent case, the Louisiana Court of Appeal, Fourth Circuit, dismissed an appeal involving a lawsuit against the Bourbon Orleans Hotel. The dismissal was not based on the merits of the case but on a procedural technicality: the lack of a final appealable judgment. In 2014, a group of…
Work Injury and Mental Health: When Does Workers’ Comp Cover Psychological Impacts?
In the realm of workers’ compensation, the interplay between physical injuries and mental health can be complex. A recent Louisiana Court of Appeal decision highlights the challenges faced by workers seeking compensation for mental health conditions arising from workplace injuries. The case involved a police officer who developed psychological issues…
Slipping in Stores: When Does the Store’s Responsibility Kick In?
We’ve all heard the phrase “slip and fall,” often in a comedic context. However, slip-and-fall accidents can result in severe injuries and legal battles. The recent Louisiana Court of Appeal case of Barton v. Walmart highlights the complexities of such cases and what it takes to prove a merchant’s liability.…
Louisiana Court Reverses Summary Judgment in Medical Malpractice Case: The Importance of Expert Testimony
A recent Louisiana Court of Appeal decision has underscored the significance of expert testimony in medical malpractice cases. The case, Mariakis v. North Oaks Health System, involved a wrongful death lawsuit alleging that the hospital failed to provide adequate care, leading to the patient’s death. The trial court initially granted…
Hotel Not Liable for Pool Injury: Understanding Premises Liability and the “Res Ipsa Loquitur” Doctrine in Louisiana
A recent Louisiana Court of Appeal ruling underscores the complexities of premises liability cases and the challenges plaintiffs face in proving negligence when accidents occur on someone else’s property. The case, Krueger v. La Quinta Inn & Suites, involved a guest who suffered a foot injury due to broken glass…
Coroner Not Liable for Burial of Foster Child’s Remains
A recent Louisiana Court of Appeal for the Fourth Circuit decision has highlighted the complex legal issues surrounding the handling of deceased individuals’ remains, particularly in the context of foster care. The case, involving the parents of a minor child who passed away while in foster care, underscores the challenges…
A Car Crash, a Faulty Repair, and a Battle Over Damages
Patricia Spann’s life took a dramatic turn when she lost control of her Chevrolet Cobalt, resulting in a severe accident that left her with multiple fractures and a lengthy hospital stay. She believed the cause of the accident was a faulty power steering system, recently replaced by Gerry Lane Chevrolet…