The Third Circuit Court of Appeal for the State of Louisiana affirmed a Pineville City Court’s decision to grant the plaintiffs’ awards for lost wages and injuries that resulted from a serious traffic accident. The decision was affirmed by the appellate court after a finding that the plaintiff was not…
Articles Posted in Negligence Claims
Secondary “Stop Ahead” Warning Measure Makes Driver Liable in Traffic Accident
In Matte v. Imperial Fire & Casualty Insurance Co., the Louisiana Court of Appeal agreed with the decision of the 13th Judicial District Court, Parish of Evangeline that the City of Ville Platte (City) was not liable for a car crash. The crash in question occurred on August 20, 2008,…
Waivers in Insurance Policies Require Careful Consideration Due to Risk of Accident
In some instances, employers and individuals can waive uninsured/underinsured motorist bodily injury coverage in order to decrease their insurance rates. According to LSA-R.S. 22:1295(1)(a)(ii), rejection of the coverage must be made on a form approved by the commissioner of insurance. If the form is properly completed and signed by the…
Rental Car Accident Leads to Louisiana Insurance Dispute
In a Wal-Mart parking lot in Minden, Louisiana, two mothers and two children were hit by an oncoming car rented two days previously from a local Enterprise. The families sued based upon their injuries and several insurance companies got involved. One insurance company, Safeway, was for Peaker, the individual driving…
Vehicle Defect Leads to Redhibition Claim in Louisiana
Redhibition is defined as “the nullification of sale because of a defect in the article sold of such nature as to make it totally or virtually unusable or as to have prevented the purchase if known to the buyer.” An automobile redhibition case involves some hidden defect in the car…
Phrasing in Policy Contracts Can Lead to Federal Review
Even when a case goes to federal court, that body must still try to interpret state law if that is the governing policy in the matter. While this may seem confusing, cases involving local matters can get to federal court for a number of reasons. Of the most common are…
Difficulty in Setting Aside Insurance Release Forms and Settlements
Settlements are an important part of the legal process. They save time, money, allow the parties to negotiate their own terms, and, above all, they keep the parties from having to go to court to litigate their claims. In the case of settling with insurance companies, the companies like to…
Strict Reading Sneaks Insurance Company Out of Child Injury Case
On July 12, 2008 a ten-year-old girl was driving her parents golf cart with some friends in a nearby cul-de-sac in the Parish of East Baton Rouge in the State of Louisiana. While on her excursion, she encountered a neighbor boy who was six-years-old. Because the boy was so close…
Court Explains the Requirements of a Settlement Agreement
Recently, in the State of Louisiana Court of Appeal for the Third Circuit, a case was decided that effectively laid out the requirements of a settlement agreement. These requirements are especially important because many cases are settled before they get to court. In fact, settlement is often preferable because it…
Insurance Complications in Wrongful Death Suit
Wrongful death cases get very complicated when they involve insurance companies and employers. In a recent case, an individual was killed in the scope of his employment with Dunham-Price, Inc. He was driving a concrete truck at the time. The individual’s family brought a wrongful death case against the Department…